Agile Immersive

Learn :: Curiosity



Curiosity asks powerful questions and looks at challenges with fresh eyes. Curiosity confronts root causes with courage and fearlessly resolves to address them.
The compass point of Persistence flows from the most-mature, most thoroughly validated contributions to the Global OS.

Curiosity, Elasticity, Learning & Persistence The intention behind the compass rose of the Friction Less Enterprise is that every enterprise is in a different place of maturity, a different stage of progress and at different acuities of self-assessment. In other words, the Forbes Global 2000 are not all 100-year-old companies with decaying infrastructures, antiquated business models and uncritical at how well they do business. The compass has the "True North" of Curiosity because it's this question: "I wonder what would happen if..."; or "What if I did this differently?" Or it may be the quest that starts with, "There has got to be a better way..." that propels human progress. If a team, cluster or portfolio LEEJ Score (Chapter 4) comes back in the 30th percentile for all dimensions, then transparency about that fact is the first step for them. Perhaps the next step is Curiosity about the value of the product or service they offer, the maturity and skill mix of the existing team, and the value steps used to create.

Curiosity asks powerful questions and looks at challenges with fresh eyes. Curiosity confronts root causes with courage and fearlessly resolves to address them.

If a shoe manufacturer's insole division took the LEEJ Assessment and found that they are a formidable 60th percentile for all dimensions, then they are in the strongest position to mature the Probe step (Chapter 3) for the footwear industry and shape Persistent Economies around the world..111 MMWe want to scale excellence. Most enterprises will not find themselves on the extreme percentile bands of the 30th or 60th but rather somewhere in the middle, with a mixture of scores around the LEEJ attributes. Designing, developing and delivering high-value products and services while distilling new customer expectations and contemplating test-first approaches will require Elasticity of thoughts and behaviors to align with the new paradigm.

The compass point of Persistence flows from the most-mature, most thoroughly validated contributions to the Global OS.

An industry can be as elastic as its contributing enterprises. If it needs to shift and its enterprises have been practicing elasticity, it can do so much more smoothly than our current Global 2000. Elasticity is enhanced by the final compass point on our Friction Less Enterprise compass, which is Learning. 

Organizations can enhance their self-assessment acuity by learning to self-assess more objectively, listening to employees and customers more attentively, and allowing mistakes to be made, just not repeated.

Collective Intelligence every day means a successful team is developed by helping each member understand more about how their individual maturity and self-assessment impact the wider team's journey toward excellence. In my experience, team members and some visionary leaders embrace new, more effective ways of working relatively quickly. It is the middle managers who lose power, control or authority in transformations that put up the loudest, most-sustained resistance. 


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